How to Read an Eddy Current Conductivity Graph

Thermal Properties of Affair involves the study of matter under thermal conditions. Thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity etc are the Thermal Properties of Matter. To sympathize the Thermal Properties of Affair, we need to study the physical properties of Temperature, Estrus, and Thermal Energy.

As we already know, co-ordinate to the law of conservation of energy, free energy can neither be created nor be destroyed, it only transforms from one form to another. Now dissimilar forms of energy tin can be classified as:

Thermal Properties of Matter

From this, we tin encounter that heat is also one of the modes of transfer of energy through affair. Estrus transfer results in temperature difference.

What are Thermal Properties of Materials?

Thermal properties are properties related to the thermal capacity and heat conductivity of thing. They bargain with heat fluctuation.

Major Components of Thermal Properties

The major components of thermal properties are:

  • Heat Capacity: The amount of estrus to exist supplied to an object to produce a unit change in its temperature.
  • Thermal Expansion: Thermal expansion is the tendency of affair to modify in shape, volume, and surface area in response to a change in temperature.
  • Thermal Conductivity: Thermal electrical conductivity refers to the intrinsic power of a textile to transfer or conduct heat.
  • Thermal Stress: Thermal stress is mechanical stress created by any modify in temperature of a material.

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Estrus and Temperature

At present let us empathize the concepts of Heat and Temperature.


It is an free energy transfer from 1 system to another or from one part of a system to another.

The SI unit of heat is Joule (J) and the CGS unit of heat is Calorie (cal)

Here 1 calorie is defined as the heat free energy required to heighten the temperature of one gram of water through i° C

ane cal= four.18J

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Modes of Heat Transfer

There are 3 singled-out modes of estrus transfer: conduction, convection, and radiation.

Modes of Heat Transfer
Conduction Information technology is the mechanism of transfer of heat between two adjacent parts of a body because of their temperature difference.

Suppose ane end of a metallic rod is put in a flame, the other end of the rod will soon be hot. Here oestrus transfer takes identify by conduction from the hot end of the rod through its unlike parts to the other terminate.

Convection Information technology is a way of heat transfer by actual motion of thing. It is possible merely in fluids.

Convection can be natural or forced. Convection involves bulk transport of different parts of the fluid.

Example: Heat transfer in a closed room, forced-air heating systems in the domicile, the man circulatory system, and the cooling arrangement of an automobile engine.

Radiation In radiation, heat transfer occurs through electromagnetic waves without involving particles.

The heat transfer mechanism in which no medium is required is called radiation. It refers to the movement of rut in waves, as it does not need molecules to travel through.

The object need not be in direct contact with one another to transmit heat. Information technology is the procedure of heat transfer from a hot body to a cold body in a direct line without affecting the intervening medium

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Before understanding period of heat and temperature there are few terms nosotros must empathize first

understanding flow of heat and temperature
Melting and Melting Betoken
  • The procedure of alter of state from solid to liquid is called melting.
  • The temperature at which a solid starts to liquefy is known as the melting indicate of that solid.
  • The melting indicate of a substance at atmospheric pressure is called the normal melting point.
Fusion and Freezing Indicate
  • The process of change of state from liquid to solid is called fusion.
  • The temperature at which liquid starts to solidify is known equally the Freezing Point of that liquid.
Vaporization and Boiling Signal
  • The procedure of change of state from liquid to vapour is called Vaporization.
  • The temperature at which liquid starts evaporating is known equally the Boiling Point of that liquid.
  • The melting point of a substance at atmospheric pressure is called the normal melting point.
  • The process of changing of land directly from solid to vapour is known as sublimation.
  • The opposite process of sublimation is not possible.
  • Examples of this can be evaporation of Naphthalene balls straight from solid land.

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Specific Heat

Specific estrus capacity (south) of a substance is defined as the amount of heat (ΔQ) per unit mass of the substance that is required to raise the temperature (ΔT) by ane°C. i.e.,

\( S={\Delta Q \over{m\Delta T}} \)

And the unit of Specific estrus is J/g °C and Cal/chiliad °C


ΔQ = corporeality of oestrus given to the substance

m = mass of substance

ΔT = change in temperature

Tooth Specific Heat Capacity

Molar heat capacity of a substance is divers as the amount of estrus that is needed to raise the temperature of i mole of the substance through 1ºC.

There are ii types of tooth specific heat:

The molar specific oestrus capacity of a gas at constant volume: it is defined as the amount of heat required to heighten the temperature of 1 mol of the gas past 1 °C at the constant volume.

\(c_v={\Delta Q \over{n\Delta T}}\)

The molar specific heat of a gas at constant force per unit area: it is defined equally the amount of heat required to enhance the temperature of 1 mol of the gas by 1 °C at the constant pressure.

\(c_p={\Delta Q \over{northward\Delta T}}\)

R = Gas constant

due north = molar mass of substance

\( C_p\) = molar specific estrus at constant pressure

\( C_v \) = molar specific rut at constant Volume

Become the Eddy Current & Displacement Electric current  in detail.

Latent Rut

Latent rut is the amount of heat needed to change the state of unit mass of whatever substance without changing its temperature.

The SI unit of Latent oestrus is J/Kg and CGS unit is Cal/m respectively. i.e., We can say that heat needed to supply for changing its state will exist directly proportional to the mass 1000 of the substance.

∴ Q ∝ m

Q = mL


chiliad = mass of substance

Q = oestrus supplied to substance

L = latent rut of the substance Types of Latent Rut

Types of Latent Heat
Latent heat of Fusion
  • Information technology is defined equally the amount of heat energy that is required to change ane kg of a solid into liquid at atmospheric pressure at its melting point
  • the latent heat of ice is lxxx cal/g
Latent oestrus of Vaporization
  • Information technology is divers as the heat absorbed per unit mass of a given material at its boiling bespeak that completely converts the material to a gas at the same temperature.
  • the latent oestrus of water is 536 cal/g

The below diagram shows the temperature vs heat (Free energy) graph to stand for latent heat of fusion and vaporization.

Q) Find the amount of estrus required to boil 15 grams of water ice at -8°C. Latent heat of ice = 336 joule/gm. Latent heat of steam = 2268 joule/gm. Specific heat of water = 4.2 J/gm °C. Specific heat of ice = 2.1 J/gm °C.

Given that,

Mass of ice, mi= 15 g

Change in temperature equally it melts, ΔTice = 0-(-8) = eight° C

Latent heat of water ice, Lw = 336 joule/gm

Latent estrus of steam, Lw = 2268 joule/gm

Specific heat of water, cw = 4.2 J/gm °C

Heat captivated by ice to achieve temperature of 0°C: (Sensible Heat)

-8°C to 0°C ice:

miciΔTi = fifteen × ii.i × viii = 252 J

Heat absorbed by ice to grade water at 0°C (Latent Heat)

0°C ice to 0°C h2o:

miLice = xv × 336 = 5040 J

Estrus captivated past water to accomplish temperature of 100°C (Sensible Heat)

0°C water to 100°C water:

\(m_wc_wΔT_w\) = xv × 4.2 × 100 = 6300 J

Oestrus absorbed by water, to modify to steam (Latent Heat)

100°C h2o to 100°C steam:

\(m_ due west L_ westward m_wL_w \) = 15 × 2268 = 34020 J

Total amount of heat: 252 + 5040 + 6300 + 34020 = 45612 J


mi = mass of ice

\(m_w\)= mass of water

\(L_{ice}\)= latent heat of ice

\(L_w\) =Latent heat of steam

\(ΔT_i\) =change in temperature

\(c_w \) = Specific oestrus of water

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Rut Capacity or Thermal Capacity of Matter

Heat capacity is defined equally the heat energy supplied to a substance to change its temperature while specific heat capacity is the amount of heat per unit of measurement mass of the substance that is required to raise the temperature by 1° C.

Heat capacity (S) = Mass (m) × Specific estrus(c)

The SI unit of measurement of heat capacity is JK-i


  1. Temperature is simply the quantity used to measure how hot or cold an object is.
  2. Boiling water is said to accept a higher temperature than water ice cubes. We can perceive the temperature of an object by touch, however this method of determining the temperature is very unreliable.
  3. Hence the instrument which is used to measure the temperature is known as a thermometer.
  4. Also, from our daily experience nosotros can say that heat is the form of free energy transferred betwixt 2 (or more) systems or a arrangement and its environs by virtue of temperature difference.
  5. Heat always flows from higher temperature to lower temperature.

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Measurement of Temperature

We use a thermometer to measure temperature. Given beneath are some of the pop types of thermometers.

Mercury Thermometer

  1. Mercury-in-drinking glass thermometer is an musical instrument that is used for measuring the change in temperature as the volume of mercury changes with alter in temperature.
  2. It was invented by physicist Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit in 1714 in Amsterdam.
  3. And the range for which it can be effectively used is -30° C to 300° C

Gas Thermometer

  1. A constant book gas thermometer is composed of a bulb that is attached to a mercury manometer. This thermometer operates on the principle of Law of Gay-Lussac.
  2. The law states that when the temperature of an platonic gas increases, there is a respective increment in pressure.
  3. Also, when the temperature decreases, the pressure as well decreases correspondingly.
  4. Using this force per unit area temperature relation, we can measure the constructive temperature
  5. The temperature range of Gas thermometer ranges from -268℃ to 1500℃.

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Platinum Resistance Thermometer

  1. The platinum resistance thermometer (PRT) is a device which has a piece of platinum wire which determines the temperature by determining the constructive electrical resistance of the material at that instance.
  2. Using this temperature resistance relationship, we can make up one's mind the temperature of an object hence it is referred to as a temperature sensor.
  3. The temperature range of the Platinum resistance thermometer ranges from -200℃ to 1200℃.

Thermocouple Thermometer

  1. A thermocouple is a device for measuring temperature consisting of a pair of wires of unlike metals or semiconductors joined at both ends.
  2. 1 junction is at the temperature to exist measured, the second at a fixed temperature.
  3. The electromotive force generated depends upon the temperature deviation.
  4. A thermocouple application is found in Kilns, Gas turbine exhaust, Diesel engines, Boiler, water heaters, ovens etc.
  5. The temperature range of Thermocouple thermometers ranges from -200℃ to 1600℃ or sometimes more 2000° C.

Radiation Thermometer

  1. The radiation thermometer works on the law of Stephen or police force of emission of radiation.
  2. Which states that everybody radiates heat and when radiations bounces from that surface it carries some free energy with it and hence by observing the emitted radiation, nosotros tin determine the temperature of an object.
  3. This is how thermal sensor cameras and optical thermometers work.
  4. And the effective range for Radiation thermometer is 800°C to -6000°C

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Different units of Temperature and their Relation

Generally, to measure temperature, we consider 2 set up point are considered

i.e., Freezing and boiling point of water and we accept unlike scales for measuring temperature.

Some of the worldwide accepted units of temperature are:

Different units of Temperature and their Relation
Celsius Scale (°C)
  • In this scale nosotros utilize the melting bespeak of ice taken as 0° C and boiling indicate as 100° C and the space these points are divided into 100 equal parts.
  • In 1710 Anders Celsius designed this calibration.
Fahrenheit Calibration (°F)
  • In this scale nosotros use the melting bespeak of water ice taken equally 32° F and boiling point as 212° F and the infinite these points are divided into 100 equal parts.
  • In 1717 Gabriel Fahrenheit designed this scale.
Kelvin Scale (Thousand)
  • In this scale nosotros use the melting signal of ice taken as 273 K and humid point is taken as 373 K and the space these points are divided into 100 equal parts.
  • It was designed by Kelvin.
Reaumur Scale (R)
  • In this scale nosotros utilise the melting signal of ice taken as 0° R and boiling indicate is taken every bit fourscore° R and the space these points are divided into 80 equal parts.
  • It was designed by RA Reaumur in 1730.
Rankine Calibration (Ra)
  • In this calibration we use melting point of ice taken as 460° Ra and boiling point is taken every bit 672° Ra
  • And 1° Ra is equal to the 212th part of difference betwixt ii point

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Relation between different unit of temperature

\({C \over 5}={F-32 \over 9}={K-273 \over v}={R \over 4}={R_a-460 \over {}}\)


C = temperature in Degree Celsius Scale

F = temperature in Degree Fahrenheit Scale

K = temperature in Kelvin Calibration

R = temperature in Reaumur Scale

Ra = temperature in Rankine Scale.

Newton's Constabulary of Cooling

According to Newton'due south law of cooling, the rate of loss of heat from a body is direct proportional to the departure in the temperature of the body, and its surround.

Rate of cooling ∝ ΔT

{dQ \over {dt}}=-k(T-T_{\infty})=-k \Delta T

Q = hAΔT

Here, h = heat transfer coefficient, A = are of cross-section , ΔT = temperature deviation.

Platonic Gas Equation

The equation which relates pressure level (P), volume (5) and temperature (T) of the given state for an ideal gas is known equally the platonic gas equation or equation of states.

And for 1 mol of gas, information technology is represented equally

 {PV \over T}=R \text{ (constant) } \Longrightarrow PV= RT


R = Universal Gas constant

P = pressure of gas

V = volume occupied past the gas

T = temperature of gas

Absolute Temperature

Absolute zero, the temperature at which a thermodynamic system has the lowest energy.

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Thermal Properties of Matter FAQs

Q.1What is Heat? Information technology is an energy transfer from one organization to another or from one part of a system to another.

Q.2What is Temperature?

Ans.ii Temperature is just the quantity used to measure how hot or cold an object is

Q.3What is Latent Heat?

Ans.iii Latent heat is the amount of estrus needed to modify the country of unit mass of any substance without changing its temperature.

Q.4What is Thermal Expansion?

Ans.four Now as temperature increases because of interatomic collisions the substance expands. Thus, an increase in its dimension (i.due east., length, breadth and thickness) due to increases in its temperature, and this belongings of the material is known equally thermal expansion of substance.

Q.5What is Thermal Capacity of Fabric?

Ans.5 Oestrus capacity is divers as the heat energy supplied to a substance to alter its temperature while specific heat capacity is the corporeality of oestrus per unit mass of the substance that is required to raise the temperature by one° C.

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