Ho Long Will It Take After My Disability Goes to Medicaal Review

  1. Entitlement
  2. Claims, Investigation and Determination Procedures
  3. Procedures following Award


Description of scheme

Disability Allowance is a means-tested payment for people with a specified inability whose income falls below sure limits and who are aged between sixteen and are under 66.

The scheme was introduced on 2 October 1996 and replaced the Disabled Person'south Maintenance Allowance which was administered by the Wellness Boards.

A person in receipt of Disability Assart can accept up employment or self-employment. The first €140 of weekly income from that employment (afterward deduction of PRSI, pension contributions and matrimony dues) is disregarded for the purpose of the ways test. fifty% of their weekly earnings between €140 and €350 is then disregarded for the purpose of the means examination. Any farther earnings, over €350 per week, are fully assessed for the purpose of the ways test.

Information Leaflet

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Your Guide to our Schemes and Services: Illness, Disability and Caring

In this guide you will get an overview of some of the main ways the department can assist if yous become ill or disabled, either on a temporary or permanent basis. Information technology also tells you nearly schemes that may assist if yous are caring for someone who is ill or disabled and how to admission supports if you need them. Updated: January 2022



The main provisions relating to Disability Allowance are independent in Chapter x (PART 3) of the Social Welfare Consolidation Act 2005 equally amended, and Chapter five (Function three) of the Social Welfare (Consolidated Claims, Payments and Control) Regulations 2007 S. I. No. 142 of 2007, as amended.


The Scheme is administered past:

Disability Allowance Section


Department of Social Protection, Social Welfare Services Office, Authorities Buildings, Ballinalee Road, Co. Longford, N39 E4E0.

Qualifying Conditions in Summary

To qualify for a Inability Allowance a person must:

  • take an injury, disease or physical or mental disability that has continued or may exist expected to proceed for at least one yr
  • as a outcome of this disability and for no other reason be substantially restricted in undertaking work that would otherwise be suitable for a person of your age, experience and qualifications
  • be aged between xvi and under 66
  • satisfy a ways test
  • be habitually resident in the Land
Qualifying Weather condition in Detail
  • be substantially restricted in undertaking suitable employment

The medical criteria which must be satisfied in order to qualify for Disability Allowance are:

  • the person must exist suffering from an injury, disease, congenital deformity or physical or mental illness or defect which has connected or may reasonably be expected to continue for a period of at to the lowest degree a yr
  • as a issue of the status and for no other reason the person is substantially restricted in undertaking work which would otherwise be suitable having regard to the person'due south age, feel and qualifications

This would hateful that the person's capacity to undertake or carry out work would exist substantially less than that of a person without the specified inability in question.

The application form requires claimants to give details relating to their level of education and work history, in addition to how their medical condition affects their life and ability to work. Their ain doctor must consummate a medical study on their medical condition, which outlines diverse aspects of their medical status. The departmental Medical Assessors may requite an opinion on the bear witness submitted every bit to the nature and extent of the disability and its effect on the person'south chapters to work.

  • the person must be aged 16 or over and be under 66
  • habitually resident in the State

From 1 May 2004 anyone regardless of nationality, making a merits for Disability Allowance, is required to satisfy a habitual residence condition (HRC). Please see guidelines Habitual Residence Condition .

  • satisfy a ways test

For the purposes of Disability Assart, means are calculated in accordance with Function ii of Schedule 3 of the Social Welfare Consolidation Act 2005 equally amended. (Meet Chapter "Means Assessment" and "Farm Means").

Assessment of means where claimant has a spouse/civil partner/cohabitant

Where a claimant is married/in a ceremonious partnership/ co-habiting, the following provisions apply:

If a spouse/civil partner/cohabitant is not in receipt of a social welfare payment in their own right (other than Disablement Benefit, Family Income Supplement or Child Benefit) or is not participating on certain approved grade(s), where the charge per unit of allowance payable is equivalent to the maximum rate of Jobseeker's Assart, and so the weekly means assessed are deducted from the full family entitlement to inability assart (full personal charge per unit, full qualified developed rate and full rate for qualified kid(ren)) to arrive at the weekly rate of Disability Allowance payable.

Where the spouse/ceremonious partner/cohabitant is in receipt of a social welfare payment in their own right other than half-charge per unit Carer's Allowance, Disablement Benefit, Family unit Income Supplement or Child Benefit or is participating on sure approved class(due south), where the rate of allowance payable is equivalent to the maximum rate of Jobseeker's Assart, the means volition be halved and will be deducted from the maximum personal charge per unit and half rate child dependent allowance to arrive at the weekly charge per unit of disability allowance payable.

Under the new ways cess arrangements introduced from 26 September 2007, spouses/ceremonious partner's/cohabitant's earnings are calculated every bit gross earnings less PRSI, Superannuation and Union dues (since March 2009 pension levies are as well deducted). Where the spouse/civil partner/cohabitant is engaged in insurable employment a disregard of €20 per day applies subject to a maximum of €lx per week and the residuum is assessed at 60%. In all other cases the remainder is assessed at 100%. The disregard of €20 per twenty-four hour period only applies to insurable employment.

  • Saver Clause

A saver clause applies if the claimant was in receipt of a higher rate of disability allowance on 26 September 2007 than due south/he would have been entitled to under the new ways assessment provisions. If the claimant should finish entitlement to disability allowance for a period greater than four weeks, the saver clause no longer applies. Nether the saver clause if a claimant qualifies for payment of the full increase in respect of a qualified developed and the spouse/civil partner's/cohabitant's means are under €76.18, full means are deducted from the scheduled charge per unit. If the spouse/partner's means exceed €76.18 then the means are halved.

If the claimant does not qualify for total increase in respect of a qualified adult (e.thou. the spouse/civil partner/cohabitant is in receipt of a SW payment) or is simply entitled to a reduced charge per unit of increase in respect of a qualified adult (e.g. spouse's/civil partner's/cohabitant's gross earnings are such that a tapered qualified adult charge per unit applies) - half of the total means are deducted from the scheduled rate of payment.

Before computing means derived from a spouse's/ civil partner's/cohabitant's insurable employment, the following disregards are applied:

1) €100 (travel Inclusive) for working 4/5 days a week, or

2) €50 together with whatsoever travel expenses necessarily incurred for working one/2/iii days a week

If spouse/partner is working exterior the isle of Ireland the disregard is €152 per calendar week. The disregard of €152 of a spouse/partner's weekly earnings in another State does not apply to claims for disability allowance fabricated on or after 26th September 2007.

Maintenance from sometime spouse/civil partner/cohabitant

Maintenance payments from a former spouse/civil partner/cohabitant are assessed as means. Vouched housing costs, either hire or mortgage, of upwardly to €95.23 per calendar week may be first against maintenance payments with half the balance of the maintenance payment being assessed as ways to establish the rate of Disability Allowance payment.

Special Saver Category for recipients of DPMA

Where a person was in receipt of Disabled Person's Maintenance Allowance at 1 Oct 1996; their entitlement continued automatically.

Disability Allowance payments, including increases for dependent adults or children and other Allowances paid with the payment, are fully exempt from income tax, PRSI and USC.

A claimant will be disqualified from receiving Disability Assart if s/he fails, without good cause, to:

  • attend for or submit to whatever medical examination or other test at such time or place as may be required past an Officer of the Government minister provided that the Officer gives non less than 7 days' find in writing
  • comply with any instructions relating to his/her incapacity issued by a registered medical practitioner or refrain from behaviour likely to hinder his/her recovery
  • be available to meet with an Officer of the Minister and respond any reasonable enquiries relating to his/her Inability Allowance claim

Residence in an Institution

The brake on payment of full rate disability assart to persons who are in full time residential care was abolished from iii January 2007.

The position prior to 3 January 2007 was that Inability Allowance was non payable where a claimant was resident in an institution, where the price of their maintenance was beingness met in whole or in role past The Health Service Executive * except - where the person had an existing entitlement to Disability Allowance and they went into hospital or institutional care after i August 1999, and so payment of his/her Inability Allowance continued as long as he/she satisfied the qualifying conditions for accolade of Inability Allowance

if they entered the infirmary or institution before 1 August 1999, they were resident there on a temporary basis to receive medical or other treatment for a period not exceeding 13 weeks, i.east. payment of Disability Allowance stopped after 13 weeks.

Since four June, 1997, Inability Allowance had been payable at half the advisable rate in respect of whatsoever week where a claimant (under an arrangement with the institution) resides outside the intendance facility for two or iii sequent days a calendar week, once that week is role of a period of not less than four sequent weeks. In addition, from four June 1997, the full appropriate rate of Disability Allowance was payable in respect of an arranged period spent on holidays within the State and exterior institutional care. The menses on holidays must exist of at least 3 consecutive weeks.

People in residential care who had been receiving half rate Disability Allowance were paid at full rate from 3 May 2000. After one August 1999 persons who were in receipt of the holiday payment for 3 consecutive weeks were put onto full rate Disability Allowance on render to the institution.

An 'establishment' for this purpose means a hospital, ambulatory home or abode for persons suffering from concrete or mental disability or coincident accommodation, nursing home for the care and maintenance of dependent elderly people and any other establishment providing residence, maintenance or intendance where the cost of a person's maintenance therein is beingness met in whole or in function by or on behalf of the Health Service Executive.

The definition does non include, however, community based houses or hostels, sometimes called "Depression Support Hostels" funded or approved by the Health Service Executive. Disability Allowance was payable to persons who were resident there provided that the Health Service Executive is not funding their maintenance.

From Jan 2005, the Health Boards were replaced by the Health Service Executive.

For persons who were resident in an establishment and were not eligible for Disability Allowance because their maintenance was being met in whole or in part by the Health Service Executive, a special €35 - Disability Assart personal expenses charge per unit – was payable from one June 2005. The payment was fabricated by direct payment to the institution where the person resided. The institution transferred the full payment to the individual business relationship of the person. This arrangement was covered in the service level agreement signed between the Department of Social Protection and the residential establishment concerned.

Persons who were in receipt of this inability allowance personal expenses rate became entitled to full rate disability allowance from 3 January 2007.

Disability Allowance is non payable for any menses in respect of which the claimant is resident abroad from the State except where the person is pursuing an canonical second or tertiary level courses of education exterior the State under the Dorsum to Education Assart (BTEA) Scheme (encounter Chapter " Back to Educational activity Programmes") or while receiving medical handling which is not available in this Country. The claimant must notify the department and furnish the required details before leaving the State in social club for a conclusion to be made regarding their connected entitlement to a payment.

People in prison or detained in legal custody are non entitled to payment of Disability Allowance as their brake in undertaking employment is not solely due to their medical condition.

A person is disqualified for payment of Disability Allowance for any flow exceeding 7 days before the date on which the claim is fabricated. (Meet also Tardily Claims in Part ii hereunder).

See also Chapter on "Claims and Late Claims".

Payment is made upwards of a personal charge per unit and increases in respect of the claimant's spouse/ ceremonious partner/cohabitant and each child dependent. The rate is reduced past €2.50 for every €2.50 of ways, (or office of €2.50).

Increase for Qualified Developed

Nether a new means cess introduced nether the Social Welfare (Consolidated Claims, Payments and Control)(Amendment) (No. 5) (Cess of Earnings) Regulations 2007 S.I. No 700 of 2007 which came into effect on 26 September 2007 a family rate less means applies where the spouse/civil partner/cohabitant of the Inability Allowance claimant does not have a social welfare payment in their own right. The family charge per unit is based on total personal rate, a full qualified adult rate and full child dependent rate less means.

A saver clause applies if the claimant was in receipt of a college rate of disability allowance on 26 September 2007 than due south/he would have been entitled to under the new ways cess provisions. If the claimant should cease entitlement to disability allowance for a period greater than four weeks, the saver clause no longer applies. Under the saver clause an Increase for a Qualified Adult is normally payable where the claimant is married or cohabiting with some other person as hubby and wife unless the spouse or civil partner or cohabitant has weekly income exceeding €310 per week. Where the claimant'due south spouse/civil partner/cohabitant has weekly income of between €100 and €310 per calendar week, a reduced increment for a qualified adult is payable. However payment of kid allowance at total charge per unit volition proceed where spouse/ceremonious partner/cohabitant income does not exceed €310 per calendar week.

See Chapter on "Increases - Increase for a Qualified Developed" for further details and particulars of the other conditions that utilize.

Increment for Qualified Child

Qualified Child Assart (QCA) is payable for each child under historic period 18 who is normally resident with and is beingness maintained past the claimant. QCA is also payable in respect of a child who is in total-time education by twenty-four hour period at a recognized school or college up to the end of the academic year in which southward/he reaches age 22. Run into also Affiliate on "Increases - Increase for a Qualified Kid" for further details and for data on the circumstances where only one-half-charge per unit QCA is paid.

Free Travel, Household Benefits Package - Electricity/Natural Gas/Bottled Gas Refill Assart, Gratuitous Television Allowance, Free Fuel Allowance and certain Supplementary Welfare Allowance (SWA) payments may be paid in conjunction with Disability Allowance subject to satisfying the corresponding weather condition of these other payments. Come across Chapters "Free Travel", "Household Benefits Package", "National Fuel Schemes", "Rent Assart" and "Supplementary Welfare Allowance".

Living Solitary Increase is payable to persons in receipt of Inability Allowance from 4 April 2001, if the person lives entirely lone [see Chapter "Living Alone Allowance"]

Telephone Support Allowance

From six June 2018, this increase is paid automatically to those who qualify for both the Living Alone Allowance and the Costless Fuel Allowance.

Increase for Living on a Specified Island

Increment for Living on a Specified Island is a weekly payment made to persons in receipt of Disability Assart from two April 2003, who ordinarily live on a specified island off the coast of Republic of ireland [see Chapter "Island Allowance"].

Disability Allowance is payable in improver to Disablement Benefit, Family Income Supplement, Kid Benefit and Death Benefit. No other benefit or allowance is payable with Inability Allowance to or in respect of the same person in respect of the same period. This applies to payments made to the claimant and payments made in respect of the claimant's spouse/civil partner/cohabitant. (See Chapter "Overlapping Payments").

From 27 September 2007 a person who is claiming a social welfare payment (other than Carer'southward Assart or Carer'due south Benefit) or being claimed for as a Qualified Adult and who is providing total time care to another person may now apply for Carer's Allowance and retain their current payment in full. If they satisfy the weather condition for Carer's Allowance it will be awarded at 50% of the personal charge per unit they would qualify for if they were not in receipt of any other payment. They will also be eligible for Household Benefits and a Free Travel Laissez passer.

**A person may not receive Jobseeker's Benefit/Allowance, Dorsum-to-Work Allowance or Family Income Supplement and 1/2 charge per unit Carer's Allowance but they may be a qualified adult on these payments and receive ane/2 rate Carer'due south Allowance.

Claims, Investigation and Decision Procedures


Under the legislation the onus is on a person to utilise if s/he believes that due south/he may accept an entitlement to payment. The Disability Allowance merits form DA1 should be completed in full and signed by the claimant. The person should state his/her Personal Public Service Number [PPS no.]. If southward/he has no PPS no. he/she should apply to their local INTREO Centre and a new PPS no. will be allocated and should exist quoted in all future correspondence.

The claimant should forwards all relevant documentation as requested. Even so this may exist submitted after the initial claim is made rather than delaying the claim in order to obtain it.

An acknowledgement of each claim is issued via SMS upon receipt of the claim where claimants have provided their mobile number.

Late Claims

The merits should be made inside 7 days of the start of entitlement. However, the claim may be backdated for upward to 6 months where the person can prove to the satisfaction of the Deciding Officer or Appeals Officer that s/he satisfied the qualifying atmospheric condition during that menstruation and that throughout the menstruation of filibuster there was good cause for filibuster in making the claim.

Further back-dating may as well be possible in certain circumstances:

  • where the failure to merits inside the prescribed time flow arose as a result of false and misleading information beingness provided by staff of this section to the person or their agent
  • the person was so incapacitated by illness or infirmity between fourth dimension of entitlement and making the claim that they could not brand the claim or instruct some other person to make the claim on their behalf

Claimants of Inability Allowance are responsible for the product of certificates, documents, information and evidence required, including Birth Certificate, Marriage Certificate (if applicable), medical evidence and details of means such equally a current payslip, etc. It is not necessary to furnish a birth document if born in the Republic of Ireland or marriage certificate if married in the Republic of ireland.

A medical document is incorporated into the claim form (DA1) which must exist completed and signed past the claimant's Full general Practitioner (GP) or Consultant.

A decision on entitlement cannot exist made until all the necessary documentation has been provided.

Investigation of Claim

When all the documentation necessary to make a decision on a claim has been received, the file will exist referred to a Deciding Officer for decision.

Where whatsoever question arises about the fulfillment of a condition (eastward.g. the ways of the claimant) farther enquiries will be made, either by correspondence or past referring the file to a Social Welfare Investigator for investigation.

Where the claimant is unable to human activity on his or her ain behalf because of incapacity, an agent tin be appointed to human action for him or her, on foot of a Social Welfare Investigator'due south written report. (See also Guidelines for SW Inspectors).

The department'southward Medical Assessors may give an opinion to a Deciding Officeholder on the medical eligibility of a claimant. (Run across Chapter "MED_ASSESSMENT").


Claims are decided past Deciding Officers appointed past the Minister under Section 299 of the Social Welfare Consolidation Act 2005. A notification of the decision is issued to the claimant, and when claims are disallowed or allowed at reduced rates the claimant is given a full explanation of the reason for the disallowance or partial award.

Where it is axiomatic that a person does not fulfill the age status, the merits may be disallowed on that basis before the investigation of the medical condition, the means examination and the habitual residency status is consummate.


If the person feels that the decision is based on information virtually their circumstances which is incorrect or out of engagement, the person may submit the up to date information to Disability Allowance Section for a revised decision.

The person also has a right to entreatment the decision straight to:

Chief Appeals Officer


Social Welfare Appeals Office, D'Olier House, D'Olier Street, Dublin 2, D02 XY31.

Procedures following Award


Disability Allowance is paid weekly in advance on a Wed. The date of the first payment is the Midweek following the constructive appointment of merits.

There are ii methods of payment:

  • directly into the Mail Role via Electronic Data Transfer. This allows for Household Budget facility
  • direct payment weekly by Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) into a Bank Account or Building Club Account (NOT a mortgage account) or Credit Union (not all Credit Unions have this facility)

Encounter too Chapter on "Payment Related Issues" with regard to Fourth dimension limit on cashing payments and Appointment of agent.


As information technology is necessary to establish that the claimant satisfies the habitual residency, the medical and means criteria for the award of Disability Allowance and as laurels of Disability Allowance is from Midweek following receipt of claim or an earlier date, if the claim is backdated, arrears are ofttimes payable.

Arrears are not calculated until the Disability Allowance claim has been put into payment. Whatsoever payments of Supplementary Welfare Allowance or other primary Social Welfare payments in the menses betwixt the engagement from which Inability Allowance is awarded to the date Disability Allowance is put into payment are deducted from the arrears before payment issues.

Arrears payments are paid past cheque or by Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) into a Depository financial institution Business relationship.

Duration of Payment

Disability Allowance is payable as long as the claimant:

  • continues to satisfy the qualifying weather condition
  • is not subject to whatever disqualification
  • is non entitled to some other benefit (see Overlapping Provisions)

In the event of the death of a Disability Assart claimant or his/her qualified adult or dependent child(ren), the full charge per unit of payment will continue for a period of half-dozen weeks subsequently the death. (See Chapter on "Payment Methods" re entitlement under these circumstances)


End dates are inserted in the department's payment system as appropriate - to stop the assart at pension historic period; to withdraw a Qualified Child Increase when the child reaches 18 or the end of the academic year in which the child reaches age 22. In the case of a claimant reaching pension historic period, a merits form for State Pension (NonContributory) is issued three months in advance of that date past State Pension Section.

Lost Public Service Cards/EFT Misplacements

Encounter Chapter on "Payment Related Issues re action to exist taken when a Public Service card is lost or stolen or an EFT payment is not received.

Certification of ongoing entitlement

The onus is on the recipient of Disability Allowance to notify the department immediately of any relevant changes in circumstances.

The principal changes of circumstances that must be notified to the department immediately they occur are:

  • claimant gets married, co-habits, separates, divorces, enters a civil partnership
  • modify of address, method of payment or Post Part/Bank
  • claimant leaves the country
  • claimant is detained in legal custody
  • claimant goes into hospital/nursing habitation and will reside in that location for a period in excess of thirteen weeks
  • claimant takes up a SOLAS form or a Community Employment Scheme
  • claimant commences a total fourth dimension or role time form of study
  • person(due south) included in the claimant'southward payment dies, leaves the country, takes upwards a SOLAS form or is detained in legal custody
  • claimant takes upward employment or self employment
  • qualified developed or qualified kid ceases to be supported by the claimant or becomes entitled to pension, assart or benefit in their own right
  • qualified developed takes up employment or self employment
  • kid dependent between eighteen and 22 ceases full-time teaching

This list is not exhaustive and claimants should notify the department immediately if whatsoever changes in their circumstances occur.

Employment and Didactics while on Disability Assart

Employment and Self employment

Persons in receipt of Inability Assart can work while in receipt of the allowance but income is assessable as means. The first €120 of weekly earnings and l% of earnings between €120 and €350 from employment or self employment are disregarded in any ways examination. Nonetheless, whatsoever earnings in backlog of this amount must be assessed every bit income and entitlement to Disability Allowance reduced accordingly.

From 2d June 2021, the Inability Assart income disregard for customers in insurable employment or self-employment will increase from €120 to €140.

The notification of employment must be made to the section and should be sent in every bit soon as the employment commences. In the case of Community Employment Schemes, blessing is normally given on foot of certification of placement by SOLAS. In the case of other employment or self employment a alphabetic character is required from the person or argument from the employer describing the nature of the employment and the level of remuneration for the work.

If yous go out Disability Allowance to take up employment you may have your charge per unit of payment reduced or stopped. If stopped you may retain your gratuitous travel pass for 5 years. If your employment ceases and yous wish to render to Disability Assart within twelve months you will be fast tracked dorsum onto Inability Allowance.

The Back to Piece of work Allowance for employees is closed to new applications from 1st May 2009 as a event of the Supplementary Budget of seventh April, 2009. Pre 1/5/2009 claims who continue to satisfy the criteria of the scheme will remain in payment.

Persons getting Disability Allowance for at to the lowest degree 9 months, who wish to get cocky employed, are eligible to transfer onto the Dorsum to Work Enterprise Allowance Scheme and continue part of their Disability Assart payments for upwards to ii years.

Run across Chapters "Dorsum to Piece of work Allowance (Employees) and Dorsum to Work Assart (Self Employed)

Educational Opportunities

If a person is getting Inability Allowance, they can undertake further educational opportunities without affecting their social welfare entitlement.

If a person is eighteen or over, and is in receipt of Disability Allowance for iii months or more and attending a full-time second level grade at a recognised school or college or is in receipt of Disability Allowance for twelve months or more and attending a total-time third level class at a recognised school or college, they can avail of the Back to Education Allowance Scheme. The only post graduate course options available are Higher Diploma (H Dip) in Education or Graduate Diploma in Education (Primary Teaching) for BTEA purposes.

If a person is twenty-one or over and in receipt of Inability Allowance for six months or more they tin can avail of the Vocational Training Opportunities Scheme (VTOS). (See Chapters on "Dorsum to Didactics Programmes" and "VTOS").

The person volition be paid the maximum rate of Disability Allowance and keep any secondary benefits that they already have.

Farther Education and Training

From 23 July 2001 arrangements agreed between the then Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment and this department were introduced by SOLAS in relation to the payment of training allowances for people with disabilities in farther teaching and preparation. Under these arrangements for SOLAS-funded grooming Disability Allowance recipients are eligible for a SOLAS Training Assart instead of Inability Allowance.

SOLAS will pay participants a standard weekly training assart of an amount equal to their current Inability Assart payment (including Living Alone Allowance, Free Fuel Allowance, etc.), whichever is the greater. In addition, they will go a weekly Grooming Bonus. In all cases, trainees will retain their secondary benefits; i.due east. Gratuitous Schemes.

Payments of Disability Allowance will be suspended for the duration of the person'south omnipresence on a total time SOLAS preparation class. If the SOLAS grooming form is not full time and participants are in receipt of a reduced rate training assart they volition remain on Disability Allowance but the grooming allowance volition exist assessed as ways and they volition receive a reduced Disability Allowance payment.

All Disability Allowance recipients transferring to SOLAS preparation have been guaranteed under the new arrangements that:

  • no-one will lose out by transferring onto SOLAS preparation
  • the trainee will retain all secondary benefits
  • in the consequence that the client is unable to continue with training, his/her Disability Allowance payment will be restored automatically on receipt of notification of cessation

A review is initiated when the claimant notifies the section of any changes in his/her circumstances or those of his/her household.

Systematic, periodic reviews are as well carried out by the section to ostend that the qualifying weather condition (both ways, habitual residence and medical) continue to exist fulfilled and that no disqualifications from receiving disability assart apply.

Suspension of Payment

Where a question arises equally to whether the conditions for the receipt of Inability Assart are fulfilled, and initial enquiries fail to plant entitlement, payment may be suspended in whole or in part until the question has been decided. (Run across Chapter on "Payment Methods" re general powers of suspension.)


Where a person has established an entitlement to the honour of credited contributions, these will continue to be awarded for the duration of the period they are in receipt of Disability Assart and for any menstruation they are participating in the Back to Education Allowance scheme.

Credits may be awarded to persons on Disability Allowance from the date of award of the Disability Allowance claim or from second October 1996 for persons who were awarded Disabled Persons Maintenance Assart (DPMA) by a Wellness Board prior to second October 1996 to the date when the merits is stopped. (Meet separate Affiliate "Credits Award").

Retention/Devastation of Files

Documents in respect of Disability Assart are retained and are not destroyed until six years after termination of claim. A random sample of ten% of files due to exist destroyed are retained for archival purposes in accord with the National Athenaeum Human activity.

  • Return to scheme page


Source: https://www.gov.ie/en/publication/c075c7-operational-guidelines-disability-allowance/

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