what are the limitations of using an article database to find resources

Manual vs Electronic Databases: Advantages, Disadvantages and Features

Some fourth dimension ago, manual databases were used to rails and report the enormous corporeality of data in schools, stores, telephone systems, etc. Today, electronic database management systems manage this information.

The world generates an enormous amount of data from almost every aspect of life; school records, credit cards, shop merchandise, telephone systems and spider web sites, amid others. Some time ago, manual effort was used to track and report this data. Today, electronic database management systems manage this information.

By definition, a database is  structured collection of logically related data that is stored so that it can easily be accessed / retrieved. Logically related data comprises entities, attributes, and relationships of an organization's information. Examples of databases include: Phone Address Volume, Business Customer Lists, Club Membership Lists, Visitor'southward Employee
Database, The library database, Video Library, etc.

A manual database is one that is not computerised – i.e. not available in electronic format. A telephone directory, an organiser or printed address book are examples of manual  databases.

An olden telephone directory format

An electronic database is ane that is computerised, and can be accessed/manipulated using  reckoner applications.

An electronic Database on a PC
An electronic Database on a PC

A Database Management System (DBMS) is a software program used to create and manage an electronic database.  It provides users with tools used  to add, delete, access, alter, and analyze data stored in i location. Examples of DBMS  software include: Microsoft Office Admission, dBase, SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, Informix, DB2, Paradox, FoxBase, FileMaker Pro, Lotus Arroyo, etc. A DBMS typically have the following features:

  • Logical Information structures / Objects – such every bit tables, forms, queries and reports, used to store and manipulate structured information.
  • A query language (such as SQL) used to dispense or extract information.
  • Filter Commands- that display data which satisfy certain weather condition.
  • Data validation commands: that ensure the integrity of information entered and  stored in the database.
  • Relationships/associations between information objects/ tables.
  • Sort commands/tools that  arrange data values in a certain guild.
  • Import/Consign commands to enable sharing of data between the database program and other programs that employ like structured data.
  • Built-in functions (similar to those available in spreadsheet applications) that simply calculations. •

Advantages of Electronic Databases over Transmission databases

  1. Electronic databases store very large amounts of data
  2. Electronic databases allow easy input and editing of data
  3. Electronic databases enable automatic updating and recalculating of data
  4. Electronic databases make information technology easier to query, search, filter and retrieve required data.
  5. Electronic databases format, arrange and present information in customizable ways
  6. Electronic databases can easily share the information with other software applications/programs
  7. Electronic databases allow centralised use of information amongst many users over a network and therefore reduce duplication, e.g in banks.
  8. Data is validated before it is entered in electronic databases. Errors created during information entry are minimized
  9. Many built-in functions are available to in Electronic databases simplify calculations.
  10. Improved security: Database security is the protection of the database from unauthorized users. Without suitable security measures, integration makes the data more vulnerable than file-based systems. Yet, integration allows the Database administrator to define, and the DBMS to enforce, database security. This may take the grade of user names and passwords to identify people authorized to employ the database.
  11. Economy of scale: Combining all the organization'due south operational information into 1 database, and creating a set of applications that work on this one source of data, tin consequence in cost savings.
  12. Increased concurrency: Many DBMSs manage concurrent database access, ensuring that two or more users are allowed to access the same file simultaneously, without interfering with each other, or resulting in loss of data or its integrity.
  13. Improved backup and recovery services: modern DBMSs provide facilities to minimize the amount of processing that is lost post-obit a failure.

Disadvantages of relying on electronic databases every bit compared to manual databases

  1. Complexity: The provision of the functionality we wait of a good database makes information technology complex to set up. Database designers, database administrators, and terminate-users must sympathize this functionality to accept total reward of it. Failure to empathize the system can lead to bad design decisions, which can have serious consequences for an system.
  2. Cost of setting up a database: The cost of setting upwardly an electronic database varies significantly, depending on the hardware, software and functionality required.
  3. The need for conversion & difficult transition: This includes the price of converting existing applications to run on the new DBMS and hardware plus the price of grooming staff to use these new systems, and possibly the employment of specialist staff to help with the conversion and running of the organization.
  4. Performance: Typically, a file-based system is written for a specific application, such every bit invoicing. As a consequence, performance is generally very good. However, the DBMS is written to be more full general, to cater for many applications rather than just ane. The effect is that some applications may not run as fast as they used to.
  5. College bear on of a failure: The centralization of resources increases the vulnerability of the system. Since all users and applications rely on the availability of the DBMS, the failure of certain components tin can bring all operations to a halt.

NB: Watch out for a grade presentation with comprehensive notes having both practical and theoretical aspects of databases completely compiled as per the NCDC Sub ICT syllabus, available on my eshop.

During the upcoming Chapters Development Workshop (CDW) scheduled for 6th and seventh May, 2019 at Kololo SS, a new compilation of UPDATED NOTES will be included on the resources DVD which will be given to every participant free of charge. To nourish the CDW, register at CDW.ictteachersug.cyberspace. Few slots left!

Mukalele Rogers
+256776960740 / +256706060740

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Source: https://www.ictteachersug.net/manual-vs-electronic-databases-advantages-disadvantages-and-features/

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