Continue Limbo Event Chain After Researching Robots
This article has been verified for the current PC version (3.4) of the game.
Limbos is an anomaly event chain triggered by investigating the On the Barren Plains anomaly that can appear on barren worlds. The event chain has the potential of creating another empire on the galactic stage upon its conclusion.
The signal originates from the remains of an antenna-like structure. Exploratory probes were dispatched from the [science ship name] to the surface to investigate the matter more closely.
What Science Officer [science ship scientist] found was a cavernous vault that, while easily pried open, was evidently the last safehouse and refuge of some long-dead race of aliens. While reasonably technologically advanced, it seems they never reached for the stars and perished to some planet-wide natural disaster. The vault is immense, housing thousands upon thousands of black boxes that the [science ship name] has determined to be data storage devices.
A Special Project has been prepared to decode their contents.
Trigger conditions:
| Is triggered only by: Investigating the On the Barren Plains anomaly |
Science Officer [science ship scientist] asserts that the huge blocks of ternary code found in the databanks are neural images; digitized brain scans. Doubtlessly the aliens of [anomaly planet name] considered this to be their only shot at any kind of survival following whatever calamity befell their planet. They did not have the means to resurrect themselves, but banked on the impossibly small hope that, eventually, someone else would.
| Some uncertainties still remain regarding whether the robotic bodies are sophisticated enough to support a higher neurological consciousness, however.
| Some believe the attempt succeeded after all and that the aliens stole away in the night, others that it's an elaborate hoax. We may never know for sure...
Reports are coming in that the aliens, whose minds we uploaded to robotic bodies, have colonized a planet and now style themselves "the Awoken."
Trigger conditions:
| Mean time to happen: 10 days |
OK |
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